The workshop starts from the observation that the link between ethics and economics is not resolved in a contradiction between good intentions and market rules. On the contrary, the crisis in which we are immersed has highlighted precisely the limits of a vision of the economy with no attention to the global effects of our actions.

The crisis, in this sense, is an important occasion to reflect across various sectors of the economy and finance to rethink our relationship with goods, with money, with the human community which we are a part of. The economic workshop intends to address with a critical-deconstructive approach some central concepts to economic theory and practice such as competitiveness, success, development, profit, making them interact with issues such as environmental sustainability, human rights, the dignity of the person and work, culture of legality vs corruption, business logic vs clientelism, fair compensation, etc.

the business world, for example, establishing itself as a crucial agent of the business world, for example, establishing itself as a crucial agent of change, has begun to question the importance of social and environmental sustainability by developing "new business cultures" in which the ethical question becomes a fundamental instrument of competitiveness.

Through generative dialogue and collaboration between the academic, business, and finance world, CrossThink-LAB proposes itself as a laboratory of reflection and elaboration of possible alternatives that the link between ethics, economics, and finance can disclose.

Using a critical-deconstructive lens, and through a historical reconstruction, the first part, the "DIALOGUE", when talking about the complex relationship between ethics, business, and finance, wants to focus on the most urgent concepts and issues, introducing openings both from a theoretical and practical point of view.

The second part deals with the decline of some fundamental ethical issues, such as the fight against corruption and clientelism, fair compensation, etc. within major financial institutions.

Through their experience and expertise, we will outline the main criticalities and potentialities concerning the subject in question.

The third part wants to examine and share the experience of some entrepreneurial realities that according to very different approaches, sensibilities, and operating methods, have included ethics in the process of decision-making and strategy and made it the central element of their activities.



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