The workshop stems from the awareness that the world in which we move is immersed in a dimension of profound and continuous change and that within these accentuated dynamics, the leaders and those responsible for change in every institution find themselves facing challenges without precedence, equipped with a kit of management tools not seldom inadequate.
As numerous international studies show, much of the complexity at work arises within the sphere of people management.
Gaps in managing and exploiting differences in gender, culture, sexual orientation, age, etc. also involve the loss of meaning in performed actions compared to the values of the organization, with often bears significant relapses occurring in various levels of its structure.
The increasingly multicultural character of the work environments, the increasingly massive entry of new subjects into the labor market, but also the obstacles that still prevent some more than others from accessing that sphere, require a profound rethinking of both the legal instruments and the policies in place as well as leadership models enabling them to respond to the current social transformation.
Starting from the complex and difficult relationship between leadership and gender, and from the analysis of some attempts to overcome the historical difficulty for women to access top positions (Golfo-Mosca), the workshop intends to involve the academic, economic and financial world, stimulating a path of self-reflection and creating an interdisciplinary dialogue that is capable of getting to the bottom of the leadership, capturing the main criticalities inscribed in the current models but also identifying those elements useful to outline an efficient and sustainable leadership, why able to include and enhance all diversities .
The workshop introduced by the intervention of the Honorable Alessia Mosca, signatory of the law 120/2011, (also known as Golfo-Mosca which introduces gender quotas in the director boards of listed companies), is divided into two thematic panels:
The first panel wants to read leadership from a critical point of view, to break up, and assemble its elements into a multidimensional vision. In addition to a philosophical analysis of the concept, with attention to the contribution of gender studies, there will be a focus on how the topic translates and declines inside the academic structure, as well as its capabilities in terms of dialogue with reality also extra-academic as a specific current of research (and innovation).
The second panel intends to dive into the realm of independence and finance, presenting some excellent initiatives and facing challenges and potential of leadership that, starting from the dimensions of gender and also thanks to this perspective lens, knows how to face the challenge of recognition and valorization of all levels of diversity present in the workplace.
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